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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Arm Straight

Posted by: george stanley (saint_george13@yahoo.com) on Thu Dec 13 23:06:21 2007

> > > hi jimmy!
> > > well said!
> > >
> > > but i'm more concerned with the timing of when hitters actually load... by load i'm thinking you mean drawing back the hands & arms to the launch position..
> > >
> > > the timing is the critical part.. FAR too many hitters think they have all the time in the world to draw back AFTER THE PITCH IS RELEASED... NOT! THIS FATAL ERROR IS THE PRIMARY REASON MOST HITTERS ARE LATE ON FAR TOO MANY PITCHES THEY SHOULD BE DRIVING.. instead the are poppingup, fouling off, or missing completely..
> > >
> > > i believe you should not have any drawback whatsoever... rather the lower body step-&-torque should initiate the swing, with the hands staying back as long as possible,, this way the hands will be the beneficiary of the lower body torque, & accelerate even faster through the contact zone.. too many hitters are concerned with initiating bat movement thinking that will get them there faster..
> > > rather DO NOT drop the hands, do a circle hitch with the hands, or draw the arms & hands back once the pitch is underway... these are fatal errors that wil kill you..
> > > if you let your lower body be the first part in motion, you will generate much higher batspeed, & catch up to pitches you previously have been late to..
> >
> > Hi George,
> >
> > Actually, the hands and arms do appear to draw back into the launch position, but the hitter should not try to accomplish this specific movement.
> >
> > I feel that the hitters movement back with the legs along with the fluent movement of the hitters weight returning to the middle of the hitters balance initiates any action of the hands.
> >
> > Where we might disagree has to do with having a load at all. It seems that you don't want the hitter to "wind-up" at all and I feel that this action is critical for the hitter to be able to get his barrel to the ball with any accuracy and strength.
> >
> > I do agree that they shouldn't try to create any hand movement but there should be hand movement in the load and swing. It is created as a result of a proper lower body load.
> >
> > Jimmy
> Jimmy,
> Do you believe that the shoulders should turn in at all on the load or are you just shifting your weight back with your legs? Do you believe that the hands are turning the barrel rearward or is the pulling on the knob with the lead arm/shoulder is what lays the barrel flat? What gets the barrel on plane?
> Graylon

hi jimmy!

i look at the post pitch-release drawback from the event observation
standpoint, which all great scientists must do... observe the nature of events, then draw a conclusion..

i have observed the alarmingly large frequency of this event:
once the pitch is released, those hitters who drop their hands, do a little circle hitch, & draw back their arms & hands invariably DO NOT CATCH UP TO A LOT OF CERTAIN PITCHES IN CERTAIN SPOTS...anything up, anything away.. they only catch up to down/in..
so LOGIC tells me that to implement those fatal errors mentioned sabotages your ability to catch up to certain pitches in certain spots.. so you must eliminate those actions that invariably make you late to those pitches... or else leave them alone.. the bad news is they are strikes, so you will K anyway..
i'm sure you have tapes of MLB games...all you gotta do is watch the guys doing those fatal errors & what happens to them..

accuracy & strength are not your primary concern.. it is TIME!!!... YOU SHOULD NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT do something which will take TOO MUCH TIME, & guarantees you are already dead before you start your hands forward... if you watch enough tape, you can readily tell when a hitter has shot himself in the foot & is about to end up in the shitcan. result: popup, foul off, complete miss depending on the degree of tardiness... it's not your accuracy that kills you.. it's your tardiness caused by your wasted post-release motion...
after you learn to watch for it, you'll be amazed at how it jumps off the screen at you!!
check it out... get back to me on my email address


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