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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What is Scapula loading?

Posted by: tom.guerry (tom.guerry@kp.org) on Sun Dec 15 09:24:45 2002

What is scapula loading and more importantly, how do you teach a
player to do it? Can somebody explain?
> > > >
> > > > Is it pinching the shoulder blades together? How does that
help in hitting? I have watched video (and of course I do not know
what to look for) but I surely cannot see "scapula loading". And if I
did, I wonder where that would rank in order of important things a
hitter needs to be worried about - oh, I need to pinch my shoulder
blades together. In Jack's video, where do you see this scapula
loading that you keep talking about?
> > > >
> > > > Any guidance?
> > >
> > > Tom or Jack or one of Nyman's better students is welcome to tell
me I'm all wet, but my understanding of scapula loading is this. If
both shoulder blades are pinched, then both would be loaded. Opposite
would be unloaded. RH batter should start with the right scap loaded
and the left scap fully unloaded. Look at the USA Today Bonds clips
for an example of dynamic scapula use.
> > >
> > > Mark H.
> >
> > Mark-
> > you are correct in your understanding.
> > Welcome to anatomy class. read on if you want the details.
> >
> > The scapula or shoulder blade is one of the bones of the shoulder
joint(s). With the clavicle or collar bone, it forms the
Acromioclavicular (A-C) joint. The Glenohumeral joint is the humerus
or upper arm bone in the shoulder socket. Internal and external
rotation refer to the humerus rotating within this joint.
> > The acromioclavicular joint moves the entire Glenohumeral joint:
when you shrug - shoulders to ears, or pull your shoulders back or
round them forward. The scapula slides along the rib cage and is
attached to the ribs, moved by the Serratus Anterior muscles. The
rotator cuff muscles (Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor,
Subscapularis) connect the scapula to the humerus.
> >
> > When Jack talks about the need for tight connection between
shoulder turn and the arms/hands/bat, the scapula's role is critical.
> > When the upper body rotates quickly around the spine, any 'loose'
parts will get momentarily left behind. Think of sitting in a car at a
stop light, leaning slightly forward, when the driver suddenly floors
it and goes 0 to 60 in 5 seconds in his fast sports car.
> > You will be slammed back into the seat, bounce forward some, then
slam back and finally get pinned to the seat until acceleration slows
or stops.
> > If your top hand shoulder (the right one for right handed hitters)
is in a neutral position when rapid shoulder turn begins, it will
likewise get slammed back and bounce around during the swing. It is
the shoulder's version of Jack's slipped transmission (loss of
connection between the hips and shoulders is what Jack refers to).
> >
> > If instead, the hitter loads/retracts the scapula before shoulder
turn, it will be like sitting back in the seat before the car
accelerates. Shoulder turn will bring the entire shoulder complex
smoothly in the arc of shoulder turn to contact, no bouncing around.
> >
> > Jack has been very clear that actively pushing the top hand
forward has negative effects on the swing. An unloaded shoulder at
initiation of shoulder turn also has negative effects. Usually it
results in a late, passive scapula 'load' followed by the shoulder,
arm and hands being thrown out of the shoulder turn too early. The
hands momentarily drag, then are thrown out of connection before
contact. The Acromioclavicular (A-C) joint bounces around like the
passenger in the sports car. Once the hands are thrown like that, the
L comes out, etc. before contact. Proper scapula loading as part of
the swing load process can prevent that and maintain connection
through contact just like sitting back in your seat will prevent
> Great explanation. Tom tried to explain this to me forever. First I
figured out the tight connection, but then it took seeing a Nyman
pitching drill clip before I finally understood how much dynamic
powerful movement the shoulder complex/scapula is capable of. Once I
understood this, a light went on looking at the referenced Bonds clip
and further study of it convinced me, for the moment at least, that
the primary force for the final arc/tightening handpath/hook is
supplied by scapula load/unload (depending on which shoulder). Now I'm
chewing on the internal rotation part of rear shoulder scap loading
that Tom talks about. I'll get that about the time Tom comes up with
something else. : )
> Mark H.

Scap "loading" means the muscles are put on stretch(eccentric stretch)
to prepare for subsequent action.How this is done is different in
throwing overhand(one arm whip/symmetric arm action during
loading-loading happens in "early cock" and "late cock" phases of
throw) vs. hitting where you develop a two handed push/pull action.In
this hitting case,the back scap is pinched,the front scap loaded in
the opposite direction as pointed out by Mark as the lead arm
stretches across the chest.

Internal rotation is likewise necessary to set things up for the next
part of the sequence.In the case of the overhand throw,the hands break
with(symmetric) internal rotation in the "early cock" phase.Then
things are set up for the arm to lay back(externally rotate) in the
"late cock" phase.During these phases,there is all sorts of
traditional teaching emphasis on "not dropping the elbow" etc.This is
because the arm must be internally rotated and fully extended and
fully abducted in the "early cock" phase to then set up for
whipping(form loop to whip)by externally rotating in the "late
cock".Then the arm can whip by internally rotating in the
"acceleration" phase.Internal rotation must lead the
whipping(acceleration) to be efficient.This what is described as
"staying on top" or "not dropping down" as the pitcher gets tired
which results in pushing instead of whipping(lose
connection/integriity of "whipping loop").Disconnection in other words
occurs if the arm flexes or adducts(elbow "drops" or "leads" before it
has started whipping(accelerating) via internal rotation.

Due to the nature of hitting,dropping/adducting the arm is OK,but any
flexing motion will disconnect and "push" the swing.This is the
meaning of undesirable "top hand dominance".The back arm will
disconnect by flexing( "L" comes out of back elbow prematurely/back
elbow does not stay in slot,but drifts forward toward belly
button).Setting up the arm to avoid this(as well as cocking the hip
adequately/keeping body parts/limbs balanced) requires internal
rotation of the back arm at the right time.Connection depends on the
right action here,not just the lead arm action.The sequence should be:

Internal rotation as hip cocks and bat cocks.Then Scap loads to max
which occurs as hips "uncock".Bat is turning into plane as this
"uncocking"/"torso launch" occurs by combo of external rotation and
adduction of back arm BUT the arm(humerus) can not flex or their will
be disconnection.Some of this can be seen in the Bonds clip under
internal rotation above.

Another style is Arod.He holds the back elbow high in the stance in a
way that "preloads" the scapula.The he internally rotates the back arm
with hip cock,but little additional scap loading(because it starts
loaded most of the way),then back elbow drops(adduction and external
rotation of back arm/humerus,NO flexion) around toe touch.

Internal rotation goes with hip cock and is necessary to set up
external rotation-without-flexion to maintain mechanics that avoid



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