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Re: Re: Re: Re: Tom, et al

Posted by: georger () on Wed Dec 18 13:14:27 2002

> > >>For me scap load,is how I teach my students to coil back as they stride forward .It gets the body loaded and connected without over inward turning of the shoulders.I also think we only load or pinch the rear scap,while we stretch thr front.When the heel comes down and the rear elbow begins to pull down I think the initiation of the swing has begun or prelaunch if you will but scap loading is over.For Jack,the forces that I believe that are working on the knob before shoulders begin are the top hand pulling back on the bat,however I also believe that it is the larger muscles of the arm that pull the rear elbow in the slot which cause the t.h. fingers to pull back on the bat and begins the angular displacement of the knob before launch.rql
> rql(or any gluttons for punishment)-
> Some thoughts about phases of the swing and how they relate to phases of the throw.
> I would agree with your definition of scap loading which I think of analagous to a similar phase in the overhand throw/4 seam fastball.Scap loading must be finished when the hip starts to uncock to start body rotation.There is some lag after uncocking begins before the torso starts turning as the muscles stretch some as rotation works its way up the spine.During this time(after scap load finished,before torso "launches") the back elbow drops into the slot.So phases include:
> Hip cock associated with internal rotation of limbs which then allows coiling/stretching to proceed with maintenance of hip cock and a minimum of backswing/counterrotation,then
> Scap loading/stretching/coiling until hip Uncocks at or after front toe touch,fully scap loaded by time hip uncocking initiates rotation which works its way up to upper torso while elbow drops into slot,really getting the bat going(accentuating THT) before the "torso launch" then kicks in.
> For comparison the throwing phases(Traditionally studied in 5 phases-windup-early cock-late cock-acceleration-deceleration)
> 1-Windup-get sideways,bend at waist,phase ends with hip cock/internal rotation at handbreak
> 2-early cock-scap loading of upper torso as stride is made,ends when hip uncocks
> 3-late cock-hips hook up then decelerate sending energy to torso,this begins before stride foot plants.Back arches down to base of spine.During this phase,the throwing arm is laid back back(externally rotates)by torso rotation while whole rotating body is moving toward target(center of gravity staying along target line since starting forward at hip cock).Again,the scaps must be loaded before this phase begins.A popular video landmark is the "high cock position" which unfortunately is a dangerous/static/encouraging arm dragging/pushing way of conceptualizing the throw.Yes the throwing hand is up as the front foot touches/bears weight,but that is because the arm is in the process of being laid back/externally rotated by torso rotation(in the middle of the "late cock" phase).At the end of the late cock phase,the throwing arm is fully laid back/externally rotated.The stride foot has planted/begun to bear weight.The whole body(center of gravity) has been accelerated along the power line and the torso(scap load)and back(flex/arch)are fully loaded.A loop has been created by the configuration of the spine and arm.
> 4-Acceleration phase-This is initiated by extension of the spine("hip snap")beginning at the base of spine which then triggers whipping(accelerating loop of tapering mass) up the spine through the loaded shoulder complex with internal rotation of the arm.The hip snap is triggered by the front foot resisting the ongoing forward motion of the body on line to the target.which has been underway since hip cock assisted later by some degree(variable) of "drive" off the pitching plate.Arm whips primarily via internal rotation with some subsequent extension then forearm pronation which gives the feel of "staying on top" of the ball.
> 5-deceleration-some ongoing pronation of forearm after release then long arm slowing.
> So in the throw,the hip action really defines the phases:
> -hip cock(windup)
> -scap load(early cock)
> -hip uncock-rotation(of body/lay back of arm-"late cock")
> -hip snap-whip to release(acceleration)
> In hitting:
> -hip cock and bat cock
> -scap load,bat starts uncocking,front toe touch gives timing info.Longer(duration until hip uncocks) scap load means bigger swing radius setting up higher load
> -hip uncock/THT bat turning accentuated as back elbow drops to slot/hips decelerate,torso starts turning,energizes transfers rotational energy via circular handpath
> No body motion along target line/hip snap required unlike the throw.Also takes hips longer to get the torso/bat with no "hip uncocking" until at or after front toe touch.


Are you coming back to add any clarity to this important discussion or give your thoughts?

You've asked a question to TOM and he has responded and explained his views, and other people have also given their opinions and we would like to hear your views too. That's the value of this forum and why I like it so much --the focus and commitment to discussing ideas and sharing opinions.

Jack, let us hear from you ASAP.


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