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Re: “Debunking Linear Cues”

Posted by: tom.guerry (tom.guerry@kp.org) on Wed Dec 20 13:27:34 2006


I think this is a cue that is similar to not coming over the top in golf. Casting is a similar concept.

A better matched swing plane with acceleration of the bat further back in the swing arc is imposssible if good loading/coiling is rushed/interrupted as it typically is by wantint to load up and push the handpath with the dominant back arm. This starts the bathead acceleration too far forward in the arc,lessens quickness of acceleration by suboptimizing coil and gives a plne that cuts across the ball.

Very similar to trying to correct a slice/out to in swing in golf.

The cue can also be though of as trying to avoid early "casting" by keeping the wrists cocked so they do not ADduct until late/near contact, but better coil/loading is a more primary requirement here.


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