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Re: Re: Re: Re: “Debunking Linear Cues”

Posted by: T2A () on Wed Dec 20 18:45:44 2006


Your sarcasm aside, if you, forget that... if anyone else "but you" were to ask 100 youngsters who are told by coaches like you to "swing level" the large majority of those kids would NOT understand your level with the pitch plane "CUE" (spelled right just for you).

Perception to kids IS reality and what they perceive and try to do is either 1)make their BAT level (parallel) to the ground 2) their shoulders level to same 3) remain CLUEless because they don't know what you mean and their coaches CAN'T explain it better.

So Jima, wouldn't it just be easier (as I do) to coach kids to try and keep the bathead on the same plane as the incoming ball and take the word LEVEL out of the CUE??? Which was my point YOU did not get.

Jack, whatever you come up with as "CUES" I hope they are user friendly and don't require breaking down letter codes like THT, BHT, CHP, PLT and JIMA etc.

> Hey Jack, I agree with Tom, I just explain it differently. The cue (that is "cue" T2 not clue, as in you don't have one...a level swing is generally meant to be level in terms of the plane of the ball not the surrounding topography) in question is intended to discourage "flipping" the wrists at contact...much the same as casting. Here you guys go again, at Christmas yet, going after those poor linear coaches (who are those linear coaches?) and their cues. If you isolate or separate a cue from the context of the mechanical issues of the student they often seem silly....in any sport. Jack, with your coaching background, I'd think that you would understand that cues are often not literal...pls take your engineer's hat off for a moment. jima


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