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Fast twich fibers vs slow twich fibers

Posted by: Dog (dawg11@flash.net) on Thu Dec 16 00:14:47 1999

Hello-BHL,Steve,Josh,and Jack:
Mr. BHL shared some data comparing quickness vs strength. Thankyou for this post and the valid points that you made, which jogs a thought about the human body and how we are made. Each of us have muscle fibers that are both fast and slow. Some of us were blessed and born with more fast twich muscle fibers that relate to quikness and speed, and explosiveness. Slow twich muscle fibers can relate to the slow controlled trigger in a swing. Slow feet-slow twich, fast hands-fast twich. Some players have more fast twich fibers in the body parts that are directly related to the swing...just a thought..maybe to a certain degree hitters are born after all---dog


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