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Re: Re: Re: Fast twich fibers vs slow twich fibers

Posted by: colt baseballer (dderek10@hotmail.com) on Thu Mar 28 13:01:50 2002

> Nearly all body parts are directly related to the swing. A problem with most "hitting coaches" is they don't fully understand this simple fact. This one reason a player like Griffey Junior, who is a pathetic weakling in his upper body, can generate awesome batspeed- he uses the kinetic chain to transfer energy from his powerful lower body.
> Hello Steve T- Yes, I agree using the whole body and the kinetic chain is a must during the swing. I think you are missing the point of natural genetics I was making, simply put some players naturally use the kinetic chain more effectively than others who were not blessed with as much coordination and ability. In addidtion, to label a player like Ken Griffey Jr. as a "pathetic weakling" is not appropriate and incorrect. How can you make such a statement about a guy who hits 50 plus homeruns a year. Griffey not only is strong in his lower body, but also very powerful in his upper body as well. Have you been around the pro game, at the batting cages, in the weight rooms and in the club houses of stadiums to substantiate such a critical statement? Construtive advice will always have it's place in the game, but calling a guy of this caliber a "pathetc weaking" in his upper body is not only incorrect, but unnecessary...dog

I wouldnt call griffey a weakling, but he himself said that he only works his lower body in the sports illistated interview. I think he is an amazing man, he is not only physically tough but he is also mentally tuff with all the comments from x teamates and fans such as you who call him a pathetic weakling. he has to have a clear mind to be able to play the game that it was ment to be played. He doesnt care about the money and that is what pleases me about him. He may not be the "Kid" anymore, but he sure does swing a hell of a bat. griffeys bat speed is incredable,but he also says that he isnt the "kid" anymore with his two children and having to look over them how can u call him the kid. That though doesnt stop him from being one of the best players of all times. and if griffey would read the stuff that people would write about him then he should have all the confidence in the world about his game.


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