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Re: Re: The feel for hitting

Posted by: Doug () on Mon Apr 21 09:54:30 2003

We all are looking for the right swing mechanics, and most of us here agree that rotational is the way to go. What many don't or won't understand is that successful hitters have a feel for hitting. They have timing and a feel for when to start the swing. They have a feel and idea of what to look for when at bat. They have a feel and understanding of what they can and can't do. They have a feel and understanding of what the pitcher is trying to do. A hitter can have great mechanics, but if he has little feel for hitting, he will struggle. If he has a good feel for hitting he will have success.
> >
> > Doug
> Mr. Obvious just posted. That is why most MLB hitters can't describe what they do. They would be horrible coaches because it comes natural to them. The question is, how do "normal" hitters get that natural feeling? My guess is practice and repetition.

Mr. Noname, When you say most MLB hitters can't describe what they do, is that from personal experience? Have you taken a poll of the MLB hitters and asked them questions on hitting? The only people that I hear saying that are guys that did not play. I wonder why all the hitting coaches in the major and minor leagues are ex players instead of guys that never played? They must all be poor coaches if what you said is true. What is taught that can only be taught by someone who has been there is the mental side of hitting. 4000-5000 AB's will teach a man a lot about hitting that he can pass on to the young players. 0 AB's will pass on 0 experience and a lot of guessing.



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