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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: softball swing

Posted by: Teacherman () on Fri Jan 31 14:50:36 2003

Top pitchers are throwing from 82-86 MPH. The release point is aproximately 40-42ft. We will take 82MPH pitch and a release point of 42ft. 5280ft X 82 / 3600sec = 120.3ft/sec. Divide the release point of 42ft by 120.3 = .349sec to react to the pitch. Assuming that the release point in baseball is about 56 ft then the same formula is applied. A 109MPH pitch travels at 160ft/sec. 56 divided by 160ft/sec equals .350 sec to react.
> The flaw in this equation is that the reaction time does not equate into it the time it takes to identify the ball and trajectory. I have the studies some where in my files and it would show that the speed would be faster then what this formula indicates since it has reduced the time from reconization of the pitch to the initialization of the swing.
> hopes this helps
> dave

Not true. I played college baseball and "A" softball mostly, with occasional action against "AA" or Major. NO difference. Take a few rounds of bp to get aclimated and everything is the same. Finished 9th in nation, 1988, Fargo, ND.


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