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Re: Re: Re: Pull The Ball

Posted by: rql () on Wed Oct 2 19:11:45 2002

i find with young kids who arent yet phsically developed it is better to extend the arms and rip line drives into right field because after they make the leap to the big field. the kid who is popping homeruns to left will only be flying out in left field. while your kid will hit .400 + as he continues to go up the middle and away with line drives. the pull will come as he matures physically and as a player.
I would be concerned that if he is hitting balls to opp.field that should go up the middle or pulled then their is a mechanic flaw that is csusing it.He could be just weak but often I find kids use their lead shoulder to turn some but they do not use their rear shoulder and top hand to drive the barrelout to the ball.If this is the case he well not be hitting 400 in the next level but maybe downhill from where he is at now ,since everyone is getting bigger and stonger he needs to be faster to catchup but the ball might be right by him at that level.


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