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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pull The Ball

Posted by: mb () on Thu Oct 3 16:42:57 2002

> What are you talking about...the kids 10. He pushes because he's not picking the ball up early. Get off the rotational dynamics stuff man. That's for older players.
I totally disagree. Wouldn't you teach your child the golf swing at the earliest age??? Coaching Little League the last 5 yrs. I learned that 80& of the kids hit predominantly to right/center field. There are very few pull hitters. It is generally due to poor technique. I use a video camera to tape kids swings. The flaws (bat lag, lunging, no hip/shoulder rotation) show are on tape that you can't see with the naked eye.

I taught both my sons at an early age (8 & 10) rotational mechanics. Both are pull to center field hitters, even against the fastest pitchers. They are both on the small side but pound for pound they hit the ball harder than anyone in their leagues. My 50 pound 11yr old can hit the ball over the 200 ft LL fence. You can learn at any age the earlier the better. Buy Jacks tape and learn the techniques and do the drills.


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