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Re: Re: Re: Re: Confusion

Posted by: The Hitman (ahsnumber3@aol.com) on Sat May 25 16:06:07 2002

>>> I dont understand how hitters with hardly any at all pre-launch movement such as Mcguire, and a low elbow can generate Tht?
> > > The Hitman <<<
> > >
> > > Hi Hitman
> > >
> > > Take your normal launch position in the box. Now, suppose that instead of extending your hands (or knob of the bat) at the pitcher, your intent is to hit the side of the catcher’s head as hard as possible with the bat. What would you do with your top-hand to accomplish this? Of course the bat would be a little too short to reach the catcher, but that is the idea. --- The great hitters use the top-hand to generate good bat speed back toward the catcher. Then they rotate and direct all that energy toward the pitcher with bottom-hand-torque.
> > >
> > > Jack Mankin
> > >Hey jack
> > Cool, I'm starting to see it in my clip of Bonds. His bat never comes to a stop, even while hes reading the pitch
> > Thanks
> > The Hitman
> A great new cue is born !
> Hit the catcher upside the head (then hit the pitcher with the ball).
Lol, ha ha. Although I think Tht is more of a circular motion then just pulling it straight back to the catcher.
The Hitman


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