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Re: striding towards plate (getting jammed)

Posted by: Coach Ed (classact19@verizon.net) on Sun Apr 15 20:47:25 2007

First I need to ask,
"Have if you have seen your swing in slow motion?"
When you do, you will see the need to return to the heavy bag and the fundamentals of "The Swing".

I teach my players to TRUST “The Swing”.
Because when you really understand how fast your “BatSpeed” is with this "Swing” you will BE SO EXCITED about hitting everytime you step into the batters box.(HITTERS Box)
So will your teammates and the parents sitting on the sidelines.
Because they know your going to get a Hit.

It is so much fun for me to watch my player’s confidence SOAR as their TRUST increases.
Your attention will now be on ball placement instead of worrying about being ‘jammed’
And your coach will be excited about how your batting average keeps increasing.

So Dave, continue to “study’ your swing and have fun becoming your team’s best hitter.
Coach, Ed
Class Act Coaching


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