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Re: Quick Hands but slow Bat???

Posted by: Melvin () on Thu Apr 5 09:40:07 2007

> I don't know if its true with my swing, but someone told me the other day when they watch me hit that my hands are real fast through the zone but my bat is slow through the zone. I guess I kind of understand...but how do I fix this and what could be causing my bat to be slow through the zone. This makes sense because I crush balls to center and right field but not to left field. Im right handed and play college ball. Some advice would be greatly appreciated and I can go more in depth if more info is needed...


You don't hit with your hands. That would hurt.

You hit with the barrel.

So you can have the quickest hands in the world, but if your barrel is late, it doesn't matter.

Forget quick hands. Get a quick barrel.


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