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Re: Re: full extension

Posted by: grc () on Sun Jan 13 17:53:04 2002

jack.....if i'm not mistaken, i think that in the past you have stated that most major leaguers do not achieve full extension of the bottom arm at contact....i'm under the impression that you feel that at contact the bottom arm is in the "L" position.....
> >
> > however, out of the 90 or so video clips that i have, of the ones that i can clearly see the bottom arm when i freeze at the contact frame, i find roughly 1/3 have their bottom arm in an "L" position, about 1/3 are somewhere in between the "L" position & full extension, and about 1/3 are at FULL extension......
> >
> > would you mind clarifying your position?
> >
> > respectfully, grc.....
> GRC -
> how do these arm positions correlate to pitch location - inside/middle/outside?
> Unfortunately hitters have different styles which also muddies the waters some.
> Ideally you'd compare the same hitter with different locations over a number of swings...

major dan....point well taken.... with many of the clips it's impossible to tell but with the ones i can determine the pitch location (os vs. is, for example)i have observed the following GENERAL pattern: is pitches GENERALLY closer to the "L" position (but not always)....os pitches almost ALWAYS full extension......respectfully, grc....


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