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Re: Mechanics

Posted by: Jack Mankin (MrBatspeed@aol.com) on Fri Sep 11 19:37:13 2009

>>> That is the definition of torque. The torque you are refering to on the tire iron is what is needed to make a object rotate with no translation(movement forward). This does not change the speed of an object(d/t). The torque from the tire iron is going to the nut. This is the same concept as turning a steering wheel. The turning power is going to the CENTER. This is not what you want to accomplish when hitting a baseball, you don't appy torque to a center point in between the top and bottom hand. <<<

Hi South

You state, "The torque you are refering to on the tire iron is what is needed to make a object rotate with no translation(movement forward). This does not change the speed of an object(d/t)". & "you don't appy torque to a center point in between the top and bottom hand."

Your above statements points out a key difference in how we each view high level mechanics. Linear principles concentrate on the "translation(movement forward)" of the "Center" (or the hands) while rotational principles concentrates on the angular acceleration of the bat-head about the hands. -- Shoulder rotation accelerates the hand-path. Torque at the handle accelerates the bat-head around the hands.

As the clip below demonstrating the application of torque shows that foreword movement of the hands (as a unit) is not required to apply torque. Nor, does the application of torque necessarily move the hands forward.

Demo - Torque Applied at the Handle

Note in this overhead initiation of the swing that the application of torque accelerated the bat-head rearward while the "center" of the hands remains fairly stationary. Also note that in the contact zone, the center of the hands moved very little while the bat-head was rotated in a large arc.

PLT/THT -- Overhead View

Most linear coaches only think only in terms of the "movement forward" of both the top-hand and the bat-head. They have little understanding or appreciation of mechanics that accelerate the rearward movements of both as exhibited in the swings of the games best hitters. Below are just a couple examples.

Difference Between PLT & THT

Jack Mankin


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