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Re: Re: timing

Posted by: josh () on Tue Jun 13 11:16:13 2006

> Chuck, the problem may not be as much timing as it is swing mechanics. My son, now 13, spent 3 yrs with a rotational instructor and had many of the same symptoms exhibited by yours. "Rotational" hitting leaves the bat in the hitting zone for a very short period of time....not enough time to allow for adjusting for curves, change ups or outside pitches. It is a very good swing to use for an inside the half fastball and all good hitters use some rotational mechanics. My son is now being taught by teachers that employ some of the techniques of linear and rotational...linear is not a dirty word. Good luck.

the only linear move in a rotational swing is a stide to balance ounce the swing is initiated your either rotation chp or linear staight to ball u cant combine the two


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