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Re: Re: Re: timing

Posted by: jima (andyii@cox.net) on Tue Jun 13 18:37:54 2006

Too much dogma here I think. I don't agree that players are either one way or another. I believe that good hitters have some linear movement with the hands and then rotate around a strong front side. Please don't send me videos purported to prove your point because I can find others that show some linear movement. Playing winning baseball is not about "batspeed". I believe solid contact; tempo and balance to be more important than the amount of bat speed developed in a strictly rotational swing. I've been directly involved in rotational mechanics taught by a Epstein certified instructor for over 3 years...the methodolgy has holes and some of their instructors admit as much. Nobody is endorsing a slap hitter mentality or mechanics but your hands need to adapt to a fast ball; change up or curve on the outside corner once a player has moved from Little League or softball.


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