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Re: Nyman's Commints, And Other Qs

Posted by: Jack Mankin (MrBatspeed@aol.com) on Tue Jun 6 18:37:37 2006

>>> Hi jAcc Manken,

Sory about the spelling,i can't type too good.

I have a couple of questions of I wantto ask you?

1) In the Get Yure Arms eXTEnded, you have a picture of Grifey, and recommend a straight front leg and arm at impactu suppose to bend it to Drvie through the balll?

2( What is the classic L in both the front and bacck leg at contact? Arn't you supodsded to PuSH with that back arm, and drive hard with the back nee?

3) What is with this heavy bag thing? I'm confused...are yoiu supposed to get vibrations in your hands, or attan high batspeeds with no ringing in the hands.

Well to make a long story short, after breaking my favorite 34", Alex Rodrguez wooden bat (split from just above my hands almost all the way to the end of the bat). And then breaking my 34" Jeff Bagwell wooden bat (snappeed cleanly and half just above the hands), all of which occurred in the first 10 swings, I then tried an aluminum bat and quickly abandoned it because the knob, aluminum bat knobs are much more "intrusive" than wooden bat knobs because of the way the bat is constructed and as such produced a much greater shock between my hand in the knob upon striking the heavy bag.

All of which leads me to the conclusion that using a heavy bag is (for someone attempting to use it to generate bat speed and or even to approximate game swing mechanics) possibly not be the best way to go.

At least it wasn't for me.....

Could u please explainn thixs bag thing to me? Thanks?

Grand Slam Man <<<

Hi Grand Slam Man

Welcome to the site. -- I normally do not like writing long posts either. I also find it more productive to limit the number of topics I cover in a post. So I will address your last two questions in later post.

(Question #1) -- "In the Get Yure Arms eXTEnded, you have a picture of Grifey, and recommend a straight front leg and arm at impactu suppose to bend it to Drvie through the ball?"

If I interpret your question correctly, your main concern is correct use of the lead-arm during the swing. - Should it be bent (or "Boxed") during rotation and then extend (or straighten) to contact? - Or, should the elbow remain at a more fixed angle (bent or straighter) from launch to contact?

From analyzing countless clips of the best hitters my conclusions are:

(1) Keeping the elbow at a fixed angle generates greater bat speed because it produces a more productive Circular-Hand-Path (CHP) and "Hook" effect. - Note: If the arm needs to straighten or bend more for pitch location, it should occur early in the swing (during initiation) - not toward contact.

(2) Extending the hands by straightening a bent lead-elbow to contact produces far less bat speed because it straightens out the hand-path and kills the "Hook" effect. -- Note: For those hitters who set up with a bent elbow bent, the straightening occurs before they initiate rotation (for out-side pitches) or well after contact - not while approaching contact.

However, there is a number of batting authorities that would disagree, so let's not just take my word for it. Below, is a clip that exhibits the mechanics of 4 good MLB hitters. Study their lead-elbow and draw your own conclusions.

4 Good Hitters – Lead-Arm

This overhead of Pete Rose is a great view for studying the lead-arm's role in the swing. Note the lack of lead-elbow action during rotation in Pete's swing.

Rose's CHP Mechanics

This should cover your question (#1) regarding lead-arm extension. I will address your other two questions in my next post.

Jack Mankin


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