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Posted by: BHL (Three Types of PFO's) on Thu Jun 1 14:57:28 2006

Hi All,

There are three different PFO types, which are best depicted with the ascending superlatives of good, better, and best. Let's take a glimpse at each of these hitting types in the order described above.

THE GOOD PFO HITTER--This hitter can only handle a specific type of pitch in a specific area. However, when this hitter gets this pitch, more often than not the ball ends up in the seats. In order to ascend in the PFO ranks, though, this PFO must learn to hit a variety of pitches middle-in, recognize them, and hit them out of the park.

THE BETTER PFO HITTER--This hitter can pull an assortment of pitches middle-in, but cannot deal with any outside pitches. In order to perform at his / her zenith, the batter must learn to master the latter.

THE BEST PFO HITTER--This hitter can pull any pitch over any part of the plate with power. The most fascinating aspect of this type of hitter is that he / she exhibits no weaknesses.

Note: While the first two hitters must protect the plate with two strikes, the latter has ascended to a level where PFO also covers two strike hitting!

Best to All,

P.S. Using Jack's mechanics and my approach will engineer future Triple Crown winners!


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