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Re: Re: Knight1285@aol.com

Posted by: BHL (Knight1285@aol.com) on Fri Jun 2 01:49:45 2006

Hi Hitting Guru,

Thank you for your input. While I respect people's right to choose (that is what makes the USA so great!), I do not understand, as Mike Epstein puts it, 'people do not want to hit like Barry.'

By the way, my PFO model can be used wholesale, in part, or discarded entirely. In the beginning, my main reason behind my model was to turn singles hitters into home run hitters via strategic hitting. Coaches, in my opinion, have no right to tell the player how to hit; the hitter alone should make those choices, and let his / her output be the deciding power whether he / she should be on the team or not.

I believe that a smaller ballplayer is capable of increasing home run frequency, and that PFO is an avenue to this possibility.

Finally, I appreciate your cordiality; professionalism seems a hard thing to find these days, but you are e plurubus unum in that department.

Most respectfully,


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