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Re: Re: Bottom of the ball

Posted by: The Hitting Guru (hitman3527@aol.com) on Tue Mar 28 23:54:04 2006

> My son seems to be hitting the bottom half of the ball and hits the ball to the opposite field. He has good weight shift and makes contact but no power. Any suggestions?

He may be swinging late. Have him stand deeper in the box or try a lighter bat. Pushups or some curls with light weights (5 lbs starting weight) will increase his hand strength and batspeed. Many times power comes with age and or experience. Practice, practice, practice as many youths have not developed the fluid swing from many repetitions. (We must remember that many major leaguers take 200+ swings per day.) The important thing for kids is to keep them interested in the game. Beginning sports should be a positive experience from which to draw whether or not the kid advances up the ladder.


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