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google search of "hitting"

Posted by: ray porco () on Wed Dec 8 21:30:01 2004


One of the reasons (my opinion) I think that Paul Nyman consistantly wants to bash you and others (strictly in the interests of preserving scientific integrity,-no doubt)is because he is frustrated. Frustrated (my opinion) to the point of jealousy. He believes (strictly my opinion) that you, Hudgens, Epstein, et al. do not know as much as he, BUT your respective websites are more successful (at least in terms of google hits).

An interesting experiment:

Go to "google.com"
Type in the word, "hitting"
Here are some interesting results:

1. Online Hitting Academy

2. Hitting for Excellence

7. Mike Epstein Hitting

10. Charlie Lau Hitting School

15. Batspeed

27. WebBall

31. Beabetterhitter

Even at
166. Harvey Krupnick Batting School
Check that one out:

189. Blast Hitting System

200. I gave up here. Still no hitting-mechanics.org or setpro


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