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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: back-elbow

Posted by: Joe A. () on Fri Sep 15 14:12:11 2000

Does the back elbow always come down to the side even on outside pitches?
> > > >
> > > > Yes the elbow always comes down. You can not flaten the bat out to get in on the same plane as the ball without droping your elbow.
> > > >
> > > > Joe A. ruben....at what point in the swing does your question refer to? stance, launch position or lag position?....although it's clear that joe a gave a thoughtful response i personally would like a little more info....respectfully, grc....
> >
> >
> > I'm talkin' bout the launch position. In the Batting Mechanics frame C or D... the picture when the dude's shoulder first comes to his side,,,yo
> >
> > yes....at this point the elbow should be down...grc...
> >

Anyone and everyone,

I think its funny that these people use pros as a model for learning to teach a swing. I was at a batting practice at a AAA game and saw a batter fooling around in the batting cage, hitting line drives with one hand. According to other players the pitcher was throwing over 70 mphs.

Most kids cannot hit line drives off of 70 mph pitching. I guess that because a pro can hit line drives this way, some people would teach a kid to hit with one hand. Sounds right to me.

Pros are not the model for teaching young people. Even they would not teach someone to do what they do. When will people learn this????

Joe A.


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