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Re: Re: how to get early batspeed

Posted by: Bob gibbs (rvgjeg@verizon.net) on Sun Mar 2 21:26:13 2008

Hi coaches

I have watched your clips of Bonds & Williams it appears the reason
they both have early bat speed is because they both start their swing with vertical bats. They have no choice but have early bat speed.
Because they must get their hands flat in order to get in the plane
of the pitch.I also see this when John Elliot imulates some of the
great hitters on your dvd's.Mike Epstein strongly advises the use
of the fence drill.Looking at the old clips you showed their was an
older gentleman performing the fence drill.I noted inially his hands started in a small circle,but as his shoulders started to rotate his
hands followed that rotation.Untill the hands were about even with
the front hip,i think it is a smooth motion from start to finish.
It does not appear that the bat stops because of the shoulder rotation
But because they use these mechanics they still have leverage enough to shut the swing down if the ball moves out of the hitting zone.
I think getting your hands flat and use shouder rotation following
the hips to contact satisfies your theory. And of course planeing
the pitch.does it seem to you Jack not many modern hitters start with
a vertical bat?

don't see how you can catch up to the pitch any other way.


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