> Hi Graylon,
> The discussion Teacherman and I are having started out about the top hand forces on the bat. Read the posts and you will understand.
> And no, the hips do not open as the shoulder turns in. Watch any Major League hitter and you will see the backside come through together.
> It may be easier to see from a side view.
> Here is a link compliments of Teacherman
> http://www.recruit.hittingillustrated.com/RunningStart.htm
How do you account for the front side? In the clips that Teacherman has provided it appears to me that the front hip is clearly opening while the shoulders are still closed.
Could it be that the front hip is opening while the back hip has not yet moved or hasn't moved as much as the front? The front hip is clearing while the front shoulder stays down and in, creating torque. It happens quickly but it does happen.