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Re: Re: Re: THT

Posted by: tom.guerry (tom.guery@kp.org) on Thu Sep 11 11:59:25 2003


***********I think what you are experiencing is the disparity between the "resolution"/time frame of "feel" vs video(30 frames per second up to occasionally 60,120,or 240 frames per second)."Feel" is more discrete/sensitive than even these upper ranges of video resolution.I think the best way to bridge this gap(Nyman's perception-reality gap;perceptions can be very divorced from reality) between "feel" and what you see on video is understanding/reconciling what you "remember feeling" with video motions in anatomical/kinesiology terms and having some grasp of underlying mechanical principles(torque,etc) that can not be violated.See below.********

>>> Following is a link to a file with some frames showing my interpretation of THT. Please let us know if this is correct. How do you teach it? Is the que flatten the hands useful? (The file is best viewed in frame by frame mode)
> >
> > (http://webpages.charter.net/nickkio/THT.mpg
> >
> > Thanks, Nick >>>
> >
> > Hi Nick:
> >.Jack ,I am not seeing the tht the same as you describe.Your quote"The bat head is being accelerated into the normal launch position by the top hand being pulled back at a faster rate than the bottom hand. therefore the hands as a unit are being pulled to the bach shoulder as a unit but the top hand is moving faster,or arcing around the bottomhand.During thr pre-launch phase,one can clearly see the top hand being pulled up and back [or toward the catcher]."I see the 2 hands being pulled back together as the scap load and during this time, barrel is being bent back toward pitcher and knob at catcher.Barrel is never accelerated back as hands are going back.Now I see that there are four things going on in the same frame of video,1 lead heel comes down,2 rear knee drives forward,3 rear elbow comes down and 4 lead shoulder begins to pull forward as elbow works up.

************ I think you can sort out a universal sequence here(all this will appear in same frame or two(30 frame per second) of video/blur together unless you stretch it out with higher resolution/frame rate video and reconcile this with what it feels like for the arms/body to go through certain motions in a consistent sequence) reconciling feel and video without violating machanical/biomechanical principles.Some torquing force is applied by "right"/universal arm action(big muscles moving arms) before launch as bat gets on plane.

-First you need to get the back arm internally rotated as hip cocks.This is the phase that could be accurately described as the inward turn (the whole body turning back as you bend at the waist to assist getting the hip cock/sit to hit started/weight starting forward).See guerrero show the back pocket.Bat cocks more toward opposite batter's box.Associated with stride lift.

-Second,the "two hands pulling back together " is the scap load/cocking bat toward pitcher you describe which is also associated with stride foot going out(after hip cock) and some "counter rotation"-torso turning back slightly(not a big one-piece backswing) as stride foot goes out.The hips and lower body are no longer turning back.They are stretching out/forward.This creates "counter rotation".The amount of scap load/counterrotation is small and quite variable.Some players can start out with the scap "preloaded" in the stance before any of this happens.In general,these types should have a wider stance to "synchronize" the upper and lower body motions better-see Pujols for example.

-Third-loading continues as "prelaunch THT".There is no more "counter rotation".The bat begins turning back by the "external rotation"(you had to internally rotate it earlier to set this up) of the back arm as the front leg externally rotates.This is what "forces the top hand back" as you describe it.At about the same time,the lead elbow internlly rotates/starts to work up a little.These two arm actions create torque/"prelaunch THT" as you "stride to balance with the weight slightly forward and the front foot somewhat open" at toe touch.Epstein describes "counterrotation" as "winding the rubber band" as you stride to toe touch.This is a good description of the "scap load phase" but after this and before toe touch you have to coil the body,not continue to "counterrotate".This is described as "rotating into footplant" by Nyman.I believe it is ongoing loading/coiling of the spine made possible by synchronized back arm and front leg external rotation while maintaining hip cock/load.The torquing/turning motion of the bat(external rotation of back arm plus internal rotation of lead arm) reactively keeps the torso back(don't keep "one-piece" counter rotation going(it's a "two-piece" action) as the bat arc turns with "prelaunch THT".The longer you keep "forcing the top hand back" before you drop the heel and "launch"(Epstein's "drop and tilt"),the more the slack comes out of the lead arm.I don't think it is the torso turning forward that gets most of this slack out(maybe a little).The front side has to firm up/"load" the front scap as the heel drops at the right time to give thre right swing radius/"load".

-Fourth-"Launch"("drop and tilt") interrupts loading(this needs to happen to get right "stretch-contraction"/back and forth of muscles for quick acceleration/momentum transfer(Epstein describes effortless power of hands getting"yanked" forward) to get a full and powerful torso turn.If the center of gravity gets past the weight bearing portion of the front foot,or if you run out of ability to continue the load with top hand,then you are toast.There is more "prelaunch THT" here because maximum separation is created here before the torso turn starts to drive the "CHP".This is part of the feel of "drop and tilt".

Main role of the back leg is to keep the weight going steadily forward during this time(load to launch).The other back leg/knee actions are more reactive(knee turning down and in).It's better to think of pulling with front side/leg than pushing things from the back.If you want to get off the backside better,you can try the "LUGO" adjustment of turning the back foot in the stance.*****

>>>These are merely initiated in this frame but what is pertinent as I see it is that the rear elbow coming down is what forces the top hand back

*******external rotation of back arm needs to do this("force top hand back") but can only do so if it was prepared earlier by internal rotation with hip cock,then back scap loaded and kept loaded.It's OK for back elbow to also drop(ADduct/come down toward side/body,but back arm should NOT flex(elbow slide forward to belly button) as this disconnects things.Back arm must stay extended.BAck scap must stay loaded.See Guerrero.Similar to throwing(but elbow also has to stay UP/not ADuct there because arm circles in opposite direction.*****

>>>>>>> and it is the lead shoulder beginning to turn that is tightening up any slack in lead arm as it begins to pull knob forward.

****I think it's the top hand/back arm going through the full sequence that loads and and takes most of the lead arm slack out.That plus timing of launch create right swing radius.*******

>>>>>Torque at its beginning is created by the top hand coming back as bottom hand pulls forward[pressure being applied in opposite direction]and rotation has started.

*****After slack is out ant torso turns,there is the THT at launch.As you look at Slowmo/high resolution,there are quite a few frames betwen beginning of heel drop/uncocking of hip and maximum separation before torso actually starts to drive handpath.All that has ongoing "prelaunch" tht with back elbow getting in slot and lead arm getting fully internally rotated and on plane and staying that way through contact-the initial clips Nick posted started at launch and omitted the "prelaunch THT".*******

>>>>>>>>I cannot see any video that shows the barrel going back toward the catcher as both hands going back together nor do I see one going back faster than the other.

******Just have to interpret this by "feel".I think what is improtant is learning the feel of the universal arm action which sounds hopelessly complicated in words but is a very simple feel once mastered(many hitters and coaches HAVE mastered this,but may not be aware of it or its importance).Both hands go back earlier with scap load,then THT starts as "counterrotation" ends.

>>>>>Again the knob is pointed at the catcher as both hands go back and there is no torque or barrel acceleration

****scap load*****

>>>>>> only as top hand is driven by rear elbow and lead shoulder rotation drives knob forward do I see torque and the beginning of chp.

*******scap load,then torque by back erm external rotation and lead arm internal rotation for a frame or two before the torso starts the chp.Actually 2 phases of "prelaunch THT"-1-arm action before hip uncocks,2- ongoing action after hip cocks until full separation during the "drop and tilt".*****

>>>>>>.I just can't find torque being in 2 phases ,not in Sosa or Bonds or anyone else.

******slow it down and "imagine the feel".Even after launch,the top hand can apply force for a period of time before it gets pulled around by acceleration due to the CHP or hooking handpath***********

>>>>>I also think that the hands stay back for a moment because of torque from rotation which is beginning in hips and shoulders but having barrel and knob work around the hands before they take off.

******arm action of back arm external rotation and lead arm rotation turns bat with THT which reactively makes torso want to stay back/turn in opposite direction.Nyman has demonstrated this sort of thing standing on a "lazy susan".******


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