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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: A REAL Swing Review

Posted by: Ian () on Wed Dec 28 00:19:02 2011

> > > > > http://www.hittingillustrated.com/library/SwingReview.htm
> > > > >
> > > > > A swing review that actually matches the video shown.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > That piece is not a swing analysis and it is not instructive
to players or coaches. Period!!
> > > >
> > > > Aside from your unsupported commentary, you and your tiny
clips fail to provide any analysis as to what is right, wrong or needs
improvement with each swing. You merely conclude that any swing that
has a "go," tilt and follow through is a proper swing. You make
unsubstantiated statements, such as tilt is more powerful than
rotation, and the shoulders don't rotate. Proof, theory and/or video
evidence supporting your position? Of course not.
> > > >
> > > > Your latest views are unteachable and unsupported by video,
and will not help anybody become a better hitter. It's purely
speculation and commentary based on your personal "feel."
> > > >
> > > > We have heard you change beliefs constantly for years. How
can anyone place any value in anything you write. We certainly don't,
but if people wish to learn more about your newest "go" and "stop"
batting mechanics or whatever the flavor of the day is, they will know
where to find you.
> > > >
> > > > Brian
> > >
> > >
> > > I agree this is a terrible explanation of hitting. He obviously
does not understand true rotational mechanics. He basically thinks
rotational mechanics makes hitters "spin off" the ball which is not
the case at all. By the way if you tell hitters to push with the rear
foot (which is ridiculous and completely wrong) then that is going to
lead to hitters leaking forward too much in their swing. The worse
part is where he swears up and down the shoulders do not rotate and
they clearly do every time.
> >
> >
> > Michael,
> >
> > Ask a MLB hitter if he is a rotational hitter, see what kind of
answer you get.
> >
> > If they don't push with the rear leg then what do they do? Just
sit down on it and turn? Of course they push with it, they load the
rear hip and push. Do you push when you throw or just turn and stay
back? I believe that when Bonds broke the single season HR record he
was coming out of a bit of a funk. When asked what he did he said I
remember what my dad use to tell me load the back leg. If he loads it
then how does he unload it? With a push. It will not cause you to
leak. Not if you no how to maintain the rear hip load while creating
forward momentum. The push doesn't come until "go". The front leg
blocks the forward movement.
> >
> > I think you are missing the point on the shoulders, of course they
rotate. So do the hips and the hands, it's the how and why that lead
to a MLB swing. The shoulders do not rotate to power the swing, they
tilt. They tilt to create stretch and to link up with the already
turning hips. The hands are then able to be launched from a solid
platform, not one filled with slop.
> >
> > Try it. First try to turn your hips as fast and as hard as you can
then follow with turning your shoulders as hard as you can and see how
well you can hit, see how much adjustability you have.
> >
> > Next, take a couple of 3/4 side arm throws, like turning a double
play as a second basemen. Then take a bat and try to create the same
motion. Make sure the hips open early and the rear shoulder comes
down, just like in the throw. Then just throw the barrel just like in
your throwing motion. Extend through your intended target and let the
barrel move around the hands. If you can throw then you can hit.
> >
> > Does anyone really understand true rotational mechanics? I've
heard Ted Williams name brought up as one of the greats, on this site
numerous times, as someone who knew how to hit. Yet, I hear the fence
drill (Enforcer Drill) bashed by Brian. When the instructor that uses
it most is Mike Epstein who is a disciple of Ted. Ted endorsed the
mechanics and drills that Mike uses. So what, Ted was wrong, please.
> >
> > I can watch all the video I want and I can break down every
movement, but do I really know what they're doing to acheive that out
come? The only way we can get close is to pick up a bat and try to
copy what they're doing, to try to feel what they're doing, to listen
to what they say they're doing, then and only then can you see and
feel what it is they're really doing.
> >
> > I coach High School baseball with a guy who is good friends with
Dustin Pedroia, they grew up together and played baseball together.
When he asks Dustin what it is he does he tells him, When I get a good
pitch I throw the barrel as hard as I can through the ball. Some days
I'm seeing the ball great and others not so well.
> >
> > Throw the barrel. Direct the energy through the ball not around
it. The bat is going around the hands not the shoulders. The hands
control where the barrel goes not the shoulders.
> >
> > Graylon
> Graylon,
> I actually think it is a combination of rotational and linear
hitting that creates a high level mlb swing. I think explaining it by
saying to push the rear leg is a very poor way of explaining it. Also
comparing throwing and hitting are obviously different so comparing
them has no merit. Certainly hitters don't just stay back and turn
because that would lead to spinning off the ball.
> I think the best hitter I have seen that you can classify as
rotational is Josh Hamilton. Also if you saw Alex Rodriguez's home
run last night where they had to use the instant replay. They showed
a great side view of it where I think you can pretty much classify
that as a rotational swing. Ultimately like I said I think it's a
combination of rotational and linear principles that lead to the best
swing possible. It just seems very difficult to explain and I think
you and the owner of this site both bring up very good points when
talking about a high level swing.

Hopefully this will help,

I play college baseball in the highly competitive Peach Belt
Conference, NCAA Division 2. I've played summer ball in the Coastal
Plains League and faced pitchers from some top notch D1 schools and
have been able to perform very well, hitting .343 throughout my
college career with respectable power numbers. I believe the swing
must be THOUGHT as purely rotational to be able to compete against 90
MPH fastballs that are complimented with above average breaking balls.
Whether or not this is what actually happens in slow motion is irrelevant. Yes, the more powerful hitters probably do a little bit of
everything. Bryce Harper is a perfect example, he shifts his weight
back and "pushes" forward, then rotates with all of his might. He
pulls his hands through and then throws them out. Whatever it may be,
all he is showing is an ability to swing very very HARD. There's
nothing really mechanical to it, all he does is swing as hard as he
can. He is also an exceptional athlete and probably a freak of nature
with super human hand eye coordination. A player like me can't get
away with that stuff. If I were to push forward AT ALL it would move
the position of my head and my eyes forward, making the ball appear
faster than it already is. I load my weight on to my back leg but I
must stay there to be successful, so basically all I think about after
I load is to spin my hips in the direction of the pitch. Everything
else takes care of itself. I believe this is the reason Josh Hamilton
is so successful. The very last swing of this video
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWhYhrK1kr4&feature=related) clearly
shows he is very stationary after loading and that he whips open his
body. The stationary rotation gives his the ability to see pitches
better and make solid contact which is why he can hit .350 against
Major League pitchers. He is simply just strong enough to send the
ball 450+ feet. I would bet a million dollars that if he wanted to, he
could swing it like Bryce Harper and probably start flirting with the
550 mark. But that would mean he would have to sacrifice his eyes for
more power (also write this down, Bryce Harper will be eaten alive for
at least 5 years if he doesn't get rid of all that extra movement.
Spring Training last year meant nothing, it's a long season, plenty of
time to find a way to get a guy who is moving back and forth like that
off balance.)

I have done my fair share of video analysis for almost 8 years
constantly trying to find ways to better myself. To be completely
honest, I have come to the conclusion that there are far too many
factors for slow motion video analysis to bring light to this on going
arguement. In the Swing Review from above every single clip is of a
different location. How can you possibly analyze something when the
most influential variable is constantly changing? It's not logical in
my eyes. And asking an MLB player wouldn't help the cause either. I
doubt any of them actually know exactly what they do when they perform
at game speed. 1) Thinking about mechanics while a 90 MPH fastball is
coming at you will result in failure 99.999999% of the time, they must
focus on the moment and The fact that this pitch is coming at them
right this instant and it is the single most important thing in their
lives for that moment. 2) The true swing, the swing at game speed, is
very athletic and VERY NATURAL. The body is on autopilot at this point
and almost non-existent. It is very much like going for a 8-10 minute
drive. You'll arrive at your destination and it's like waking up from
a trance, you know you were driving the entire time but you don't
really remember it like it was a dream from a few days ago that you
can only pick out bits and pieces. I have film of myself hitting home
runs and I can only remember certain details, the follow through not
being one of them. I always finish with one hand in BP because I feel
like it looks cooler, but every single home run I have on film I
finish with two. I don't even realize it, it just happens.

If you want to teach proper mechanics, teach the rawest most basic
forms (balance, confidence, and calmness) and allow the body to find
it's own way. Information overloading like this causes confusion and
turns ballplayers into worriers and most definitely leads to failure.
Let their inner greatness shine on it's own. No mechanical analysis
can beat that.



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