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Re: Re: Re: Coach C on Epstein

Posted by: Coach C () on Fri Jan 10 21:53:39 2003

> >It's not what he says, it's what the kids end up doing. Good luck to your boy, with any luck he'll get better despite the coaching. Don't get mad at him when he can't hit, it's not his fault. I have had two former Epstein students come to me, wondering why they can't hit certain pitches, from his teachings. It's a joke!!!!!! It's flat out incorrect and you'll find out the hard way, I'm afraid. I have heard Epstein, but more importantly I've watched his students........it's unfortunate. There is way to much gap between the arms and the body during the swing and at contact. Loose elbows, loose wrists, loose arms, loose shoulders.......period!!!! The End! Went to a convention and saw him, few went to see him afterwards. Probably only the Dad's of future Major Leaguers. Enough all ready!
> Coach C:
> I have no intention of getting into the proverbial p_ _ _ ing contest with you, but because you are inclined to draw conclusions without first-hand knowledge, I am compelled to respond. Also, I don’t like to brag on my son, and you’ll notice that I didn’t in my original post. But since you brought it up, note the following:
> Since working with Epstein my son has, in the words of another experienced travel team father, “hit the three longest balls I’ve ever seen by a 10 year old.” (He just turned 11). He consistently hits the ball harder and further than any of the 11 and 12 year-olds with whom he is teamed. And though travel ball games typically have no fences, or fences that are 275 ft. plus, it is difficult to know how many home runs he would have hit in little league games (we’ll find out this Spring). But most of the other parents estimate that he has hit 1 or 2 per game.
> My son hit well before Epstein, but not like this, and certainly not with this kind of power. Epstein makes a complex series of mechanical acts as simple as possible for a youngster. There is no question that his technique has worked for my son.
> I can only conclude that you have an agenda that somehow conflicts with Epstein’s success. Your latest salvo – “Loose elbows, loose wrists, loose arms, loose shoulders.......period!!!!” – is so vague and unrelated to your previous assertions, and so breathtakingly erroneous, that I wouldn’t even know where to start. (And by the way, how do you “snap” loose wrists, as you previously claimed?) As for Mike’s following, those college coaches who have again asked him to speak at their annual convention must love an empty room. Hopefully, a few of the misguided fathers you allude to will show up.
> Frankly, I don’t think you’ve put in nearly the time you claim studying Epstein. And judging the success of his approach from the comments of a couple of purportedly failed students is worse than a truck stop survey.
> So, when your book or video or whatever comes out, we can all judge for ourselves. You can only hope that your audience is a bit more unbiased than the author.

Your son sounds talented, and I'm happy for him. There is no debate on this issue though. I've seen what I've seen. This conversation is going nowhere, so we agree to disagree and say "Good Luck", I'll say it anyway!


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