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Posted by: Saypon (96207309@nccu.edu.tw) on Thu Sep 6 20:45:50 2007

I'm a 22 years old university student, and I saw informations on a blog then got interested in Rotational Swing Mechanic!Since I practiced and used it in games, I made some deep hits and even a homerun in smaller a softball ground, that encouraged me a lot!
My problem is I usually lose my ballance a little after "follow through", and I think its not good in fact. How can I improve this part, about ballace during swing process?
By the way, I have been told to swing like throw the bat forward or try to push the ball forward by many players. I think its because all baseball theories in Taiwan are from Japan. But many of those players' swing mechanics are usually not like what they say. Sometimes this kind of thing confused me.
I still believe most great batters swing in Rotational Mechanic, and I'll keep working hard practice on it! Thanks for answer my question about ballace!
Saypon Huang


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