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Re: Re: Riser Revisited

Posted by: tom.guerry (tom.guerry@kp.org) on Sat Oct 19 09:57:45 2002

I once set a pitching machine at 100+ mph and sat behind the plate for ten minutes and caught some "monster" four-seamers. Does or can a baseball rise? Scientifically speaking, I'm not sure I want to post my responce.
> >
> > Hint...wear a face mask!
> >
> > Jeff M...not Henry
> Jeff M...not Henry,
> Did you know that at one time people thought the world "looked flat" and that the sun "looked" like it revolved around the earth. If you "look" at a 100 story building from far enough away it "looks" like you could put it in your pocket. If you "look" at a long straight road it "looks" like it gets more narrow until its just a line, then it disappears. Do you take another road when you see that?
> This is the kind of thinking that perpetuates the "any idea is valid" philosophy that confuses and side tracks serious discussions.
> Just for general dissemination, every ball drops. With repetition, we learn to anticipate the drop and soon we don't see it any more. But it drops. A ball thrown by a human cannot rise. These are scientific facts. Like gravity. If you are unable to accept that, then you cannot contribute anything of value to a conversation.
> S. P.
> >
> >

How about how big the full moon looks on the horizon?


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