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Elbow in slot and circular rotation of hands

Posted by: Mark Garvella (mgarvella@yahoo.com) on Wed Oct 16 13:42:58 2002

I have a ten year old that I am working on hitting mechanics with. I'm trying not to overwelm him and make him overthink every swing, but I also want to give him the best advice out there. I am partial to Tom Emanski's methods, but read quite a bit of contradictions in several web sites (Does anyone have an opinion on that one?). I really like this site and think there is some solid baseball knowledge shared. A lot of messages on this board are dedicated to circular rotation of hands and elbow in the slot. Can someone tell me what is meant by circular rotation (Do you mean top hand over?), and elbow in slot(Is that the same as bat splitting the helmet in half when in cocked position?)? Thanks for any help.


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