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The [vision]

Posted by: Jeff M (arhmobile@yuahoo.com) on Tue Oct 8 13:33:17 2002

Having been away from batspeed for some time now, I got a real kick reading some of the recent postings. Still a lot of talk about strength vs mechanics...linear vs rotational, and so on. but I'm still wondering when someone is going to address the concept/importance of vision, and more importantly how it applies to making solid, repeatable contact with a bb. Don't take this wrong...I fully subscribe to rotational swing mechanics, THT, circle hand path, forward impact position, and the countless other swing fundamentals important to most hitters. And I also appreciate that swing mechanics the same, the stronger player will hit the ball further more often...than the weaker player.

But equally important, and the primary subject of some major league hitting coaches...is vision...the ability to pick the ball up in flight, determine its velocity, and projected location, and then impart a swing that makes contact. Contact may be enough to just stay alive, or maybe to go opposite field, or sac fly someone home, but the point remains simple...you must see the ball in order to hit the ball consistently. In the majors...without it...you'll find yourself back down on the farm wondering if it's time to change jobs.

Jeff M
...not Henry...not Jeff, but Jeff M!!!


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