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Re: Re: Re: Bats

Posted by: Major Dan (markj89@charter.net) on Thu Oct 3 05:24:04 2002

My question is does a longer or heavier bat produve greater bat speed or make the ball go farther?
> >
> > No they dont.
> >
> >Isn't it true that the longer the bat the greater the torque though? Even though the hitter would have to exert a greater force to swing the longer bat it would produce a greater rotational
velocity? In doing so producing more bat speed? Explain please?

Go to http://www.npl.uiuc.edu/~a-nathan/pob/Parkland/sld001.htm for a short web slide show based on Robert Adair's 'Physics of Baseball'.
He is a physicist. His conclusion is that batspeed matters most. Weight of bat matters but not nearly as much. Speed of pitch has an effect also but batspeed is primary. There are graphs that show how this happens.
And, hey, this is batspeed.com, so you must be at the right place!!!


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