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Re: Re: Re: Is "Plane of the pitch" the best phrase to use?

Posted by: Joe (joe.flowers@nofreewill.com) on Mon Feb 14 18:46:33 2011

> I asked Jake at the Mike Epstein Hitting website about this the
> other day, and he basically
> said when he does video analysis, he traces the pitch on a "line"
> as it enters the hitting
> zone -- then he looks to see how long the bat stays on that line.
> Thinking of the ball as coming in on a string, angled from
> pitcher's release point to the
> catcher's mitt makes sense to me. The longer the hitter can keep
> his bat traveling along
> this line, through the hitting zone, the better the batter's
> chances for solid contact.
> (Contrast this swing to the "chop style / A to B / shoulder strap" > swing, in which the bat
> goes directly down to POC and continues through the flight line of > the ball).

Hi Sly,

I agree with all of this. But, I don't know how to say it any better.



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