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Re: Re: Re: Re: How to become a switch hitter

Posted by: Chris (CivicLX98@aol.com) on Thu Jul 26 09:18:27 2007

> Hi,
> I am a 12 year old who plays for a travel AAU team. I am a lead-off hitter and i am a righty, and i am very fast. I would like to learn how to become a switch hitter. What are some things like drills that i could do to help me be a stronger hitter from the left side. Also it feels very awkward gripping the bat lefty what should I do? Approxamately how long does it take to become good at switch hitter? When I become an okay hitter from the left side and a righty pitcher is pitching should I bat lefty to get used to batting lefty? And is it worth it in the long run to become a switch hitter?
> Thanks

Hi, I believe it is absolutely worth your time to become a switch hitter; it gives you one more thing to make you stand out in the crowd when you start running into better and better talent as you get older. Watch any major league game in the late innings when it gets down to pitcher-hitter matchups and having a good switch hitter coming up can really play havoc with the defense. Chipper Jones, the best switch hitter of this generation, learned it from the time he was very young. So, go for it, work hard, but don't neglect your natual (right-handed) swing. To be an effective switch hitter, you want to be good on both sides--hitting .350 right and .200 lefty won't benefit anyone (except your opponents).


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