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Re: Re: About these videos

Posted by: The Hitman (ahsnumber3@aol.com) on Mon Jun 24 13:21:39 2002

A s I read the testimonials about this hitting technique, all i hear from is girls and little league. should anyone try to learn this if you are a 16 yr old boy or older? Or would i just screw my swing up and get worse. Im a 18 yr old that plays legion ball and which video would be best for me to buy?
> >
> If you purchase this video(and I highly recommend it) take a look at the swing mechanics and do one thing. Watch ESPN game highlights and watch the mechanics of the batters on the highlight reel and see how many use rotational mechanics.......................................
> ................... By the way good luck with your new swing.

Little Leaguers will have faster success when first learning rotational mechanics, since the pitch is coming in at a slower speed, they are allowed more flaws in their swing, as you move up the baseball ladder you will have to improve your rotational mechanices since their is reduced reaction time. But the mechanics on the videos are for reals, its just at the higher level you play the more efficient your mechanics have to be, and the harder you have to work.
The Hitman


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