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C.H.P. ?

Posted by: J. G. (Nemojimmy@valornet.com) on Thu Jul 12 17:31:57 2007

First of all I would thank Jack for braking down a correct swing in terms that I can visualize as well as understand. I know all the cliches' and was taught that way, however my son was not getting the results we had hoped for. He has always been a good contact hitter but has never achieved the power we know he has. I have two quick questions;
1. Concerning the CHP, I'm a little fuzzy here. is the circle started with the THT and follows that plane ( a more vertical plane ) or is the CHP created by the BHT and follows the plane of the hips and torso as they rotate around a vertical axis?

2. My son is 16, a dead on linear swing, this is a very important year for him in his development and he is starting to really perform in every aspect of the game other than his hitting. He works very hard on a dailey basis to improve on his game. How long should it reasonably take to convert him over to a rotational swing and is this going to really screw him up for a while?

Any thoughts from people who have already gone through this process would be greatly appreciated.


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