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Re: Baseball vs Softball

Posted by: larry briody (ljbriody1@aol.com) on Fri Jun 21 14:59:11 2002

Hopefully Jack can respond to this one.
> In the swing mechanics section you state that the swing mechanics are the same for both. Would you believe there are some softball coaches who just don't believe this no matter how well my daughter is hitting the ball. Can you tell me if you analyzed the swings of any prominent softball players in your research. I need help and if you have any specifics on Lisa Fernandez (he knows her personally) that would really help. >>>I would bet that Mr Mankin has responded to your question posed by others in various forms many times.He answered that question for me. My answer will differ from his but softball coaches in general are behind the curve when it comes to mechanics.They are knob to the ball,hit it out in front,weight shifting,arm swinging, linear mechanics kind of people and they don't want to hear about rotational mechanics. They will tell you that rotational mechanics are for baseball players because they heard that somewhere.They don't understand rotational mechanics and when people don't understand something,they either learn it or make derogatory remarks about it which shows their ignorance.As for Lisa Fernandez,she is a linear hitter.It would be interesting to hear what she has to say about hitting techniques.If you find out,please post it.


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