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Re: Re: Re: bad website

Posted by: steve R () on Wed Jul 11 21:19:01 2007

Coach Dad

What you say is true. If you have speed and just want to be a contact hitter there is nothing wrong with that. Some hitters have made a good living doing that and had very high avg. but when you think of great players down through history and the majority of players in the hall they are rotational. Look just the other night Ishiro won the MVP and he is linear. There is nothing wrong with linear the problem is kids are not being given a choice because to many coaches are not taking the time to learn rotational either because of ego, laziness or just a lack of caring. It is really sad that so many kids are leaving baseball because when they reach high school and above they can't handle the -3 bats or make the transition to wood. I wish but I know it will never happen that LL would return to using wood bats and then the need for rotational mechanics would become clear. The light weight alum. bats of the 70's up to today have allowed kids to swing and hit the ball hard without the need for mechanics. If these bats and astroturf had never become part of the game there would not even be a term rotational or linear. If we could just get to a place where kids could be given a choice then we would really be teaching them the game of baseball.



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