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Re: gliding forward

Posted by: Jack Mankin (MrBatspeed@aol.com) on Tue Jul 10 17:31:34 2007

>>> I notice that in my swing I sort of like glide forward right after contact. Like my body will travel forward. its wierd. anyone understand what i mean? does this mean I am linear? maybe im not firming up on my front leg enough. please help. Thanks <<<

Hi Tom

I find that batters who have a tendency to “glide forward right after contact” are usually relying too heavily on the back-side to bring the bat to contact. Many of the batters I have worked with are also back-side dominant, meaning that they drive their back-shoulder and arm around a “posted” lead-shoulder and therefore do not make efficient use of the lead-side. One of the key reasons great hitters like A-Rod and Soriano are so far ahead of the field is because their shoulders rotate evenly around a stationary axis, meaning their lead-shoulder is rotating rearward (back toward the catcher) with the same force the back-shoulder is rotating forward.

To acquire maximum acceleration of the bat-head approaching contact, the lead-hand must apply a rearward pull as strong as the top-hand is being driven forward. The rearward pull of the bottom-hand is supplied from the lead-shoulder rotating back toward the catcher as the bat approaches contact. Good hitters use the extension of a flexed lead-leg to aid in driving the lead-shoulder rearward.

Tom, I would suggest you practice having ample flex in the lead-leg at foot-plant. Then concentrate on using the extension of the leg to drive your lead-shoulder back to the 105-degree position (15 degrees past facing the pitcher). You should find that your gliding forward ceases while thinking of driving the lead-shoulder rearward.

Jack Mankin


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