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Re: Golf Swing

Posted by: charles (crayshef@bellsouth.net) on Sun Jul 8 10:15:06 2007

> False; The swings are actually very similar. Golf instruction has moved away from a teaching that is similar to linear hitting in baseball to an approach very similar to rotational hitting. Watch how players today finish their swings (i.e. around their body); compare to old clips of Jack N. or Johnny M. (i.e. the old inverted C finish - high with an arched back). In those days we were taught to drive legs and hands down the line (i.e. linear). Today guys are taught to rotate around an center point (not driving the club way down the line). There are obviously some differences in the two swings but I don't think one is bad for the other. Golf never hurt Mark McGuire's swing - he is a scratch golfer.


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