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Re: Re: Re: Complete Swing

Posted by: grc () on Thu May 30 18:56:40 2002

> If you follow most hitting sites, this one included, for any lenght of time you will find that the model most people use is not related to sound hitting mechanics. A few years ago it was Sosa and McGwire. Then it was just Mcguire. Now its Bonds. Notice anything? Yep, they guys in the news are the guys with "the swing."
> >
> > If Sosa or McGwire had "the swing" back then, did they change? Why aren't they "the model" now?
> ****************************************************
> Your have a valid question. The reason I use Bonds is thus:
> There's lots of good video footage of Barry hitting on TV almost every night/day. ESPN game of the week telecasts provide the best camera angles and Bonds is often on their telecast.
> Second his slugging % the last 1 1/2 yrs surpasses even Babe Ruth.
> I also refer to Garciaparra, Ramirez and many others. Nomar might have the best swing in baseball it's to bad he isn't 6'2" 220lbs.

that's an interesting comment, " to bad he isn't 6'2" 220lbs"....i infer from that comment that batspeed alone does not always make a great hitter, that size, weight is also a sificant factor.....i would love to hear jack's comments on that comment.....


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