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Re: Re: Re: Complete Swing

Posted by: () on Thu May 30 15:23:25 2002

I have studied your website, among other, for a long time now, and I must say I am impressed at what I have learned. However, I want to make sure that I have put everything together to compile the complete swing.
> > >
> > > Here's what I've gathered:
> > > Step into the box relaxed. Take a shoulder width apart stance and put the majority of your weight on your back foot. Hold the bat in front on you, with the knob about chest high, and the bat relaxed in your fingers. I'm not sure exactly when, but you start your timing step and pull back with your top hand. As your lead foot touches the ground, you should rotate by pushing each leg toward the other. The hips should rotate to where your chest is facing the pitcher. Your bottom arm should extend like that of your lead foot, and your back arm should be bent in a 45 degree angle, as well as your back leg.
> > >
> > > I believe I have the fundamentals down, but I have struggled this year. I plan to play baseball in college, but I need to get my swing down to a science. It seems as though I'm either starting my swing too late, or my wrists are rolling over, because I am seeing the ball well, but I'm am swinging at nothing but air. I appreciate all the information that has already been provided, but I would just like to make sure I have everything correct before I go to work on my swing. Any responses at all would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > If you follow most hitting sites, this one included, for any lenght of time you will find that the model most people use is not related to sound hitting mechanics. A few years ago it was Sosa and McGwire. Then it was just Mcguire. Now its Bonds. Notice anything? Yep, they guys in the news are the guys with "the swing."
> >
> > If Sosa or McGwire had "the swing" back then, did they change? Why aren't they "the model" now?
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Thomas
> are you saying McGuire, Sosa and Bonds do not have sound hitting mechanics?

There are many factors in how well a hitter hits in any particular year. For example injuries like mcgwire, health problems or many other things. Most of the players that have great mechanics have great years once in a while and really good years other times. Just because he is not mentioned in every post does not mean he does not have sound mechanics. Its just easier for people to relate when a person is having a great year to show their mechanics as the "model" swing



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