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Re: Obstinate Coaches

Posted by: Scott B (batspeed@integritycorp.com) on Wed May 22 18:10:51 2002

Understand your concern about this H.S.., but to use a Biblical point of reference: "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matt 6:34). H.S. is a couple of years away, and that coach might not even be there then.

I doubt that this coach will bench your son if he's hitting .350 with power, RBI's, and if he plays two positions well, just because his swing looks funny. If the coach is focused on winning ballgames (if not, he won't be a H.S. coach long), he'll leave your son alone and work with the kids hitting .100. Time is too valuable to fix what isn't broken.

On the other hand, on my ball teams, if your son runs a .100 average, I don't care what his mechanics look like, something has to change. He can listen to my direction, listen to some other coach, or use Yoga meditation and prayer to fix the problem. But, if he can't hit, he can't play. His team mates deserve the best he and every player on the team has to offer.

Hang in there!

Regards.. Scott B.


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