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Re: foot movement and stride

Posted by: The Hitman (ahsnumber3@aol.com) on Mon May 20 19:12:19 2002

as the pitch is being thrown my daughter moves her back foot back and then steps into the pitch with her front foot. this messes up her timing and her chances of catching up to the pitch to hit it out in front of the plate. she says she knows she does it but she can't help it. does anyone know of any drills i can work on with her to help break her of this habit? please help. thank you
Hey Jim
You should have her load up on the backside such as George Brett so all of her weight is on the back leg, and then have her front leg off the ground so that only the tip of her shoe is touching the ground. This should make it just about impossible for your daughter to move her back foot back.
The Hitman


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