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Re: state finals hitting talks

Posted by: Major Dan (markj89@charter.net) on Mon May 20 05:09:32 2002

I got to be host at fla. h.s. state finals at Yankees training camp last week.My way of getting close to many coaches with good teams and tried to pick their brains on how they taught hitting.Most always started with getting the hands extended through the zone,usually showing with the bottom hand going inside out from body and extending away.One said they talk about letting the ball get deepon their players but they also focus on going the other way.When I asked about shoulder turn it was keep the front shoulder in,hips it was usually a weight shift answer focused on % of weight changing.Often when I asked when does the lead shoulder pull out they said it does'nt it stays in there.So I pulled out my still shots showing m.l. homers with ball at contact and shoulders facing and hips at pitcherand asked how could this happen they looked dumb founded.I asked if they worked on a stationary axis had they heard of a chp or was straight to ball what they talked,why did they like or dislike squash the bug,what causes b.s.Most really don;t teach anything but linear thoughts and they don't really understand them all that well,they seem to think most m.l. hitters swing that way.I could tell when to let them get back to their focus on the game and the annoy factor kicked in and I was their to just help them with what they might need.Once the game started and I decoded the other teams pitching signs which is my game I like to play I would call 6-7 pitches in a row to a coach and when he would turn and asked how I knew that everytime,I would say the same way I understand the difference between what you teach your hitters and the way M.L. hitters swing,I study it very deeply,then I would excuse myself.

sounds like you had fun toying with them! Did you find anyone who had a clue??


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