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Re: Re: Re: switching styles

Posted by: Scott B (batspeed@integritycorp.com) on Thu May 16 00:31:39 2002

Hi Pat,

Well, there you have it. Two different opinions. Alan says "go", and I say "slow", depending... on the factors I cited. That's what I love about this board. Intelligent, lively discussion, and good comparative opinions.

One more factor to mention between Alan's girls and my kids: His are probably playing softball, facing pitching speeds between 40 to 55 mph, at 40 or 45 feet. My son and daughter are facing hardball pitching between 55 and 75 mph average, at about 54'. Any variation or uncertainty in their mechanics results in a quick trip back to the dugout. They can "fake it" against the slower pitchers, but when they come up against the 14yo's with good stuff, and two effective pitches (fastball, offspeed), they need to be focused hitters, and not doubting their mechanics.

At 11yo, your son is probably hitting against 12 yo's throwing stuff approaching 60 mph at 45'(!!), who are approaching the top of their end-of-season form. Unless his bat is absolutely cold, I'd wait.



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