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Re: Casting

Posted by: Scott B (batspeed@integritycorp.com) on Tue May 14 12:40:03 2002

Thanks for the feedback, Tom.

You make a good point that "casting" is more than 2D. It also involves the plane of the bat path, the path of the ball both vertically and horizontally, and where the players’ hands are in relation to the ball.

Lots to think about.

I just got Mike Epstein's tape and viewed it last weekend, as well as some of his articles in Hardball. As I work with my kids, they are picking up the finer distinctions (i.e. why having the hands inside the ball accelerates batspeed, and having them too far out (or up or down!) decreases it). As long as they understand the concepts, and working to improve their lower body mechanics, I think "casting" will be less a problem. I like Jack Mankin’s emphasis on top-hand torque, but Mike does a great job of both describing the lower body mechanics, as well as providing some practical drills for reinforcing them. If the concentric arcs that Jack describes are balanced, and the transfer of momentum occurs smoothly, they will probably keep their bat-path (and hands) compact.

Regards.. Scott


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