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For Jack: Message format change?

Posted by: slowpitch (stroberjunk@cs.om) on Thu May 9 10:35:28 2002

Jack, would you ever consider changing the BBS format to look like setpro.com, or (just for examples) bladeforums.com, thefiringline.com.

The way they are set up, only the thread title shows, with number of views, number of replies, and the most recently active thread always bubbles up to the top. This cascading thread structure is sometimes difficult to follow, as well as allowing tangential responses to get left out of some tree views. Sometimes we have active topics that literally csacade off the screen, and other topics can get lost in the shuffle.

I'm appreciative if what you provide free of charge, just suggesting an improvement, in my opinion.


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This is known as hitting for the cycle in a game?
   Single, double, triple, homerun
   Four singles
   Three homeruns
   Three stikeouts

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